Who we are
“THESEUS” at a glanceScientific support & the foundation for a quality life
Our goal at THESEUS Rehabilitation Center is to restore the quality of life of patients in a safe and enjoyable environment, using the expertise and status of our scientific team, consisting of experienced and reputable associates, as well as our modern facilities and equipment. Our mission is to provide quality services, focused on the real needs of each patient, for their best possible reintegration into their daily lives.
Our mission:
Our values:


Holistic approach
we deal with every physical and mental aspect of our patients, in order to achieve optimal restoration

Insistence on the mission
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Visiting Hours
Daily 12.00 - 14.00 & 17.00 - 20.00
Saturday & Sunday 11.00 - 14.00 & 17.00 - 20.00
Having as our priority the protection of persons belonging to vulnerable groups and especially our hospitalized patients, and based on the relevant instructions from the Ministry of Health, we inform relatives, companions and visitors of our Centre that the possibility of daily visitation is valid for one (1) visitor at a time, provided that he/she has previously presented a negative laboratory result of a molecular laboratory test (PCR) or a rapid test for COVID-19 coronavirus within the last 24 hours prior to the visit, with simultaneous observance of the necessary measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus (mandatory use of a high respiratory protection mask (FFP2 or N95) or alternatively a double mask (surgical and cloth), hand hygiene etc.].
The above instruction may be modified according to the circumstances.
KAA Theseus is certified according to the International Standards ISO 9001: 2015 and EN 15224: 2016, emphasizing the quality of the care that the patient must receive, ensuring the high level of services provided by the Rehabilitation Center and the commitment of staff and management for the personalized and holistic approach, based on the real needs of patients.
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