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Anastasia Argyropoulou

Anastasia Argyropoulou is the Head of the Nursing Team at THESEUS. She is a graduate of the School of Nursing Officers, and she is certificated in Pathology. She has also obtained the following specializations: Diving & Hyperbaric Nursing in Greece and in USA, Orthopedic Traumatology at Karolinska Hospital in Sweden, and Nuclear and Biochemical Defense in Greece. In her career, she has worked at the Naval Hospital of Athens in the ICU, pathology, and orthopedic clinics, and served as the head of the Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine Department at the Naval Hospital for a decade. She has participated in medical aid missions both domestically and internationally.

She has experience in staff training, trauma management, and nursing interventions under high-pressure conditions. At the Rehabilitation Center “THESEUS,” she holds the position of scientific advisor and specifically the Head of the Nursing Team.