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Theseus at a glance
Spyridon Methenitis

Dr. Spyridon Methenitis holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s Specialization Diploma in “Prevention – Intervention – Rehabilitation” (Rehabilitation through exercise in patients with cardiopulmonary and metabolic chronic conditions) from the School of Physical Education and Sport Science at Democritus University of Thrace.

In 2016, he completed his doctoral studies at the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and in 2019 he completed his postdoctoral studies at the same school with research funding from IKY.

He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Laboratory of Sports Performance at the School of Physical Education and Sport Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and teaches in various schools and departments of Greek universities. He is a certified exercise physiologist by the “Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Physiology of Exercise” and a regular member of the National Center “Exercise is Medicine-Greece.”

His record includes more than 40 published research papers in reputable scientific journals, over 110 presentations at national and international conferences, more than 10 invited lectures, and over 14 awards from Greek and international organizations for his research activities.

His teaching includes lecturing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various schools and departments of Greek universities (e.g., School of Physical Education and Sport Science and Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the International Hellenic University, Department of Dietetics-Nutrition Science, School of Health Sciences, Harokopio University, etc.).

His professional experience includes over 10 years as a trainer or exercise physiologist in sports teams and exercise centers for chronic cardiometabolic conditions.