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Yiannis Kotsis

Yiannis Kotsis is a PhD candidate at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition at Harokopio University, where he also completed his master, specializing in Sports Nutrition. He...

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Spyridon Methenitis

Dr. Spyridon Methenitis holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s Specialization Diploma in "Prevention – Intervention – Rehabilitation" (Rehabilitation through exercise in patients...

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Charalampos Lalos

Charalampos Lalos is an orthopedic surgeon. He has specialized in the following hospitals: 401 GSNA, Aglaia Kyriakou Children's Hospital, Agios Savvas Anticancer Hospital,...

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Fragakis Georgios

Fragkakis Georgios MD, FEBPRM is a Physiatrist. He completed his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Asklipieio Hospital in Voula. He holds the European title...

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Anastasia Argyropoulou

Anastasia Argyropoulou is the Head of the Nursing Team at THESEUS. She is a graduate of the School of Nursing Officers, and she is certificated in Pathology. She has also obtained...

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Evangelia Kalatzi

Evangelia Kalatzi is a Pulmonologist-Intensivist. She graduated from the Medical School of the University of Pleven in Bulgaria. She then served her medical practice at the General...

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Kormas Konstantinos

PhD Candidate in Clinical Neuropsychology of University of Athens Medical School. Holds a BSc Degree in Psychology from Panteion University and has received an MSc Degree in...

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Antonis Doukas

Graduated with Honors (SSF scholarship) from the ATEI, Physiotherapy Department. He made his internship in neurological patients at the National Rehabilitation Institute, and PMR...

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Dimoiliopoulos Dimitris

Medical Graduate of the University of Ioannina, he received the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at “ASKLIPIIO VOULAS” Hospital. He was trained at the Center for...

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